
CMK Certification (Suzhou) Co., Ltd


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  • 俄罗斯消防产品认证043法规包含的产品清单及对应的海关编码
  • 2020-10-14 09:40:52 阅读次数:[]
  • 欧亚联盟(俄罗斯、哈萨克、白俄、亚美尼亚和吉尔吉五国组成的联盟)消防安全技术法规ТР ЕАЭС 043/2017关于消防安全和消防设备的要求”,简称043法规。


    欧亚经济联盟技术法规TR EAEU 043/2017“关于消防安全和灭火方法的要求”(二)

    The list was approved by the decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission October 08, 2019.


    Name of product

    HS code

    Conformity assessment document (information on the conformity assessment document)

    I. Extinguishing agents

    1.General Purpose Extinguishing Powders

    2836 30 000 0

    3104 20 500 0

    3104 000 0

    3104 90 000 9

    3104 30 000 0

    3105 40 000 0

    3105 90 800 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    2.Foaming agents for extinguishing fires

    3402 11

    3402 13 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    3.Foaming agents for extinguishing fires of water-soluble flammable liquids

    3402 11

    3402 13 000 0

    3402 19 000 0

    3813 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    4.Wetting agents

    3402 11

    3402 13 000 0

    3402 19 000 0

    3813 00 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    5.Gas extinguishing agents

    2804 21 000 0

    2804 30 000 0

    2903 39 290 0

    2903 76 900 0

    2903 78 000 0

    2903 79

    3813 00 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    II. Fire protection

    6.Fire protection equipment for wood and materials on its basis










    3824 99 700 0

    6811 40 000

    6812 93 000 0


    6811 40 000

    6812 93 000 0





    3824 99 700 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    7.Fire protection equipment for steel and/or reinforced concrete structures





    3816 00 000 0

    3824 99 700 0


    6808 00 000 0



    6911 40 000

    6812 93 000 0



    EAC certificate of conformity

    8.Fire protection equipment for cables





    3824 99 700 0


    EAC certificate of conformity

    III. Linear electrical products

    9.Linear electrical products from non-metallic materials

    3916 10 000 0

    3916 20 000 0

    3916 90

    3917 21 100 0

    3917 21 900

    3917 22 100 0

    3917 22 900

    3917 23 100

    3917 23 900

    3917 29 000

    3917 32 000

    3917 39 000

    3925 90 200 0

    8547 20 000

    8547 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    IV. Fire extinguishers

    10.Portable fire extinguishers

    8424 10 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    11.Mobile fire extinguishers

    8424 10 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    V. Extinguishing Devices autonomous

    12.Autonomous fire extinguishing devices

    8424 10 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    VI. Fire cabinets, fire hydrants

    13.Fire cabinets

    9403 10 930 0

    9403 20 800 9

    EAC declaration of conformity

    14.Fire hydrants, fire valves

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 819 9

    8481 80 850 8

    EAC declaration of conformity

    VII. Mobile Extinguishing Media

    15.Main fire engines

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    16.Fire control unit

    8702 10 119 9

    8702 20 112 9

    8702 20 119 9

    8702 30 119 9

    8702 90 119 0

    8702 90 319 0

    8702 90 809 0

    8703 22 109 9

    8703 23 198 8

    8703 24 109 8

    8703 31 109 0

    8703 32 199 0

    8703 33 199 0

    8703 40 109 9

    8703 40 309 9

    8703 40 510 9

    8703 40 599 9

    8703 40 709 9

    8703 50 109 9

    8703 60 109 9

    8703 60 309 9

    8703 60 510 9

    8703 60 599 9

    8703 60 709 9

    8703 70 109 9

    8704 22 910 8

    8704 31 910 0

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    17.Tower ladders

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    18.Fire aerial ladder

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    19.Emergency tenders

    8702 10 119 9

    8702 10 919 9

    8702 20 112 9

    8702 20 119 9

    8702 30 119 9

    8702 90 119 0

    8702 90 319 0

    8702 90 809 0

    8703 22 109 9

    8703 23 198 8

    8703 24 109 8

    8703 31 109 0

    8703 32 199 0

    8703 33 199 0

    8703 40 109 9

    8703 40 309 9

    8703 40 510 9

    8703 40 599 9

    8703 40 709 9

    8703 50 109 9

    8703 60 109 9

    8703 60 309 9

    8703 60 510 9

    8703 60 599 9

    8703 60 709 9

    8703 70 109 9

    8704 22 910 8

    8704 31 390 8

    8704 31 910 0

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    20.Fire-fighting Autofoam ladders

    8705 30 000 1

    EAC declaration of conformity

    21.Communication and light truck

    8702 10 119 9

    8702 10 919 9

    8702 20 112 9

    8702 20 119 9

    8702 30 119 9

    8702 90 119 0

    8702 90 319 0

    8702 90 809 0

    8703 22 109 9

    8703 23 198 8

    8703 24 109 8

    8703 31 109 0

    8703 32 199 0

    8703 33 199 0

    8703 40 109 9

    8703 40 309 9

    8703 40 510 9

    8703 40 599 9

    8703 40 709 9

    8703 50 109 9

    8703 60 109 9

    8703 60 309 9

    8703 60 510 9

    8703 60 599 9

    8703 60 709 9

    8703 70 109 9

    8704 22 910 0

    8704 31 910 0

    8705 30 000 1

    8705 90 800 1

    8705 90 800 5

    8702 20 119 9

    8702 30 119 9

    8702 90 119 0

    8702 90 319 0

    8702 90 809 0

    8703 22 109 9

    8703 23 198 8

    8703 24 109 8

    8703 31 109 0

    8703 32 199 0

    8703 33 199 0

    8703 40 109 9

    8703 40 309 9

    8703 40 510 9

    8703 40 599 9

    8703 40 709 9

    8703 50 109 9

    8703 60 109 9

    8703 60 309 9

    8703 60 510 9

    8703 60 599 9

    8703 60 709 9

    8703 70 109 9

    8704 22 910 8

    8704 31 910 0

    8705 30 000 1

    8705 90 800 1

    8705 90 800 5

    EAC declaration of conformity

    22.Gas rescue service vehicle

    8702 10 119 9

    8702 10 919 9

    8702 20 112 9

    8702 20 119 9

    8702 30 119 9

    8702 90 119 0

    8702 90 319 0

    8702 90 809 0

    8703 22 109 9

    8703 23 198 8

    8703 24 109 8

    8703 31 109 0

    8703 32 199 0

    8703 33 199 0

    8703 40 109 9

    8703 40 309 9

    8703 40 510 9

    8703 40 599 9

    8703 40 709 9

    8703 50 109 9

    8703 60 109 9

    8703 60 309 9

    8703 60 510 9

    8703 60 599 9

    8703 60 709 9

    8703 70 109 9

    8704 22 910 8

    8704 31 910 0

    8705 30 000 1

    8705 90 800 1

    8705 90 800 5

    EAC declaration of conformity

    23.Mobile robotic systems

    8479 50 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    24.Fire self-propelled pontoons

    8413 60 390 0

    8413 70

    EAC declaration of conformity

    25.Centrifugal fire pumps for mobile fire extinguishing means

    8413 70

    9022 29 000 0

    9027 10

    EAC declaration of conformity

    VIII. Technical equipment operating as part of fire automatics systems (fire alarm systems, fire notification transmission systems, warning and evacuation systems in case of fire)

    26.Fire detectors, manual fire detectors

    8531 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    27.Uninterruptible power supply of technical means of fire automation systems

    8504 40 300 2

    8504 40 300 9

    8504 40 550 0

    8504 40 820 0

    8504 40 840 0

    8504 40 880 0

    8504 40 900 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    28. Fire alarms

    8518 22 000 9

    8518 29 300 9

    8518 29 950 0

    8519 81 110 0

    8531 10

    8543 70 900 0

    9405 60 200 2

    9405 60 200 8

    9405 60 800 2

    9405 60 800 8

    EAC certificate of conformity

    29.Fire alarm control devices and other devices designed to expand the functionality of the instrument

    8517 61 000

    8517 70

    8518 10 300 9

    851810 950 0

    8518 40 800 9

    8518 50 000 0

    8518 90 000 9

    8519 30 000 0

    8519 81 110 0

    8518 81 450 0

    8519 81 610

    8519 81 750

    8519 81 950 9

    8519 89 150 0

    8519 89 190 0

    8519 89 900 9

    8527 13 100 0

    8527 13 990 0

    8527 91 910 0

    8531 10

    8537 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    30.Remote detection equipment

    8531 10

    8531 20 200 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    31.Loop test and monitoring devices

    8531 10

    8537 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    32.Fire Alarm Transmission Systems

    8517 61 000

    8517 62 000

    8517 69 390 0

    8517 69 900 0

    8517 70 190 0

    8517 70 900

    8526 10 000 9

    8531 10

    8537 10

    8543 20 000 0

    8543 70 300 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    33.Individual fire alarms

    8531 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    34.Remote start devices

    8531 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    IX. Technical facilities that operate as part of automatic fire extinguishing installations (including autonomous fire extinguishing installations, robotic fire extinguishing installations, modular fire extinguishing installations)

    35.Control units of water and foam automatic fire extinguishing installations

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    36.Sprinkler and deluge signal valves for automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 710 0

    8481 80 739 9

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 870 0

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    37.Drain valves for water and foam automatic fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 710 0

    8481 80 739 9

    8481 80 790 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    38.Antibackdraft valves of water and foam automatic fire extinguishing installations

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 710 0

    8481 80 739 9

    8481 80 790 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    39.Sliding valves, gates of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 610 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 850 8

    EAC certificate of conformity

    40.Cranes of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 819 9

    EAC declaration of conformity

    41.Exhausters of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing installations

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    42.Accelerator of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    43.Hydraulic accelerators of automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    44.Pressure signaling devices and liquid flow signaling devices for water and foam automatic fire extinguishing installations

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    45.Compensators for automatic water and foam fire extinguishing systems

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    46.Delay cameras for automatic water and foam fire extinguishing

    8481 80 599 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    47.Filters for water and foam automatic fire extinguishing systems

    8421 21 000 9

    EAC declaration of conformity

    48.Sound hydraulic fire alarms

    8306 10 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    49.Water and foam sprinklers and deluge sprinkler

    8424 30 900 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    50.Dispensers of foam fire extinguishing installations

    7307 11

    7309 00 590 0

    7310 10 000 0

    7412 20 000 0

    7609 00 000 0


    8479 82 000 0

    8479 89 600 9

    8481 10 190 8

    8481 10 990 8

    EAC certificate of conformity

    51.Automatic Modules of fire extinguishing installations with thinly sprayed water

    8424 89 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    52.Modules of automatic gas fire extinguishing installations

    7311 00

    7613 00 000 0

    8424 10 000 0

    8424 89 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    53.Modules of automatic gas-powder fire extinguishing installations

    7311 00

    7613 00 000 0

    8424 10 000 0

    8424 89 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    54.Modules of automatic powder fire extinguishing systems

    7311 00

    7613 00 000 0

    8424 10 000 0

    8424 89 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    55.Switchgears for automatic gas fire extinguishing installations

    8424 89 000 9

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 739 9

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC certificate of conformity

    56. Isothermal fire tanks of automatic gas fire extinguishing installations

    7311 00

    7613 00 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    57.Fire extinguishing aerosol generators

    3813 00 000 0

    8424 10 000 0

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 30 080 0

    8424 30 900 0

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49 990 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    8424 10 000 0

    8424 20 000 О

    8424 30 080 О

    8424 30 900 О

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49 990 О

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 О

    EAC certificate of conformity

    X. Robotic fire extinguishing installations

    58.Robotic fire extinguishing installations

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49 990 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    8479 50 000 0

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49 990 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 О

    8479 50 000 О

    EAC certificate of conformity

    Xi. Personal protective equipment for firefighters

    59.Isolating fire-fighting breathing apparatus (with compressed air, with compressed oxygen)

    9020 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    60.Personal protective equipment for respiratory and visual organs, filter firefighters

    9020 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    61.Insulating fire self-rescuers

    9020 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    62.Front parts of personal protective firefighter equipment for respiratory and sight

    4016 10 000 9

    9020 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    63.Isolating breathing cylinders and insulating fire self-rescuers

    7311 00 110 0

    7311 00 300 0

    7311 009100

    7613 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    64.Installations for testing insulation fire breathing apparatus

    9026 20

    9026 80

    EAC certificate of conformity

    65.Compressor unit for filling cylinders of breathing insulation fire apparatus

    8414 40

    8414 80

    EAC certificate of conformity

    XII.Firefighter’s special protective clothing

    66.Special protective clothing for a general firefighter

    6201 19 000 0

    6201 93 000 0

    6201 99 000 0

    6203 12 000 0

    6203 19 300 0

    6203 19 900 0

    6203 22 100 0

    6203 23 100 0

    6203 29 110 0

    6203 33 100 0

    6203 39 110 0

    6203 41 300 0

    6203 43 110 0

    6203 43 310 0

    6203 49 110 0

    6203 49 310 0

    6210 10 980 0

    6211 33 100 0

    6211 43 100 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    67.Special protective firefighter clothing against increased thermal influences

    6201 19 000 0

    6201 93 000 0

    6201 99 000 0

    6203 12 000 0

    6203 19 300 0

    6203 22 100 0

    6203 23 100 0

    6203 29 110 0

    6203 33 100 0

    6203 39 110 0

    6203 41 300 0

    6203 43 110 0

    6203 43 310 0

    6203 49 110 0

    6203 49 310 0

    6212 10 980 0

    6213 33 100 0

    6211 43 100 0

    7019 19 900 9

    7019 32 000 9

    7019 39 000 1

    7019 39 000 8

    7019 59 000 0

    7019 90 000 9

    6203 23 100 0

    6203 29 110 0

    6203 33 100 0

    6203 39 110 0

    6203 41 300 0

    6203 43 110 0

    6203 43 310 0

    6203 49 110 0

    6203 49 310 0

    6210 10 980 0

    6211 33 100 0

    6211 43 100 0

    7019 19 900 9

    7019 32 000 9

    7019 39 000 1

    7019 39 000 8

    7019 59 000 0

    7019 90 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    68.Firefighter protective clothing insulating type

    6201 19 000 0

    6201 99 000 0

    6203 12 000 0

    6203 19 300 0

    6203 19 900 0

    6203 22 100 0

    6203 23 100 0

    6203 29 110 0

    6203 33 100 0

    6203 39 110 0

    6203 41 300 0

    6203 43 110 0

    6203 43 310 0

    6203 49 110 0

    6203 49 310 0

    6210 10 980 0

    6211 32 100 0

    6211 33 100 0

    6211 39 000 0

    6211 43 100 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    69.Heat-resistant underwear for Firefighters

    6201 19 000 0

    6201 99 000 0

    6203 12 000 0

    6203 19 300 0

    6203 19 900 0

    6203 22 100 0

    6203 23 100 0

    6203 29 110 0

    6203 33 100 0

    6203 39 110 0

    6203 41 300 0

    6203 43 110 0

    6203 43 310 0

    6203 49 110 0

    6203 49 310 0

    6210 10 980 0

    6211 32 100 0

    6211 33 100 0

    6211 39 000 0

    6211 43 100 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    XIII. Personal protective equipment for arms, legs and head of a fireman

    70.Fire hood for firefighters

    6505 00 900 0

    6506 99 909 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    71.Personal protective equipment for hands of firefighters

    4203 29 100 0

    4203 29 100 0

    6116 102000

    6116 93 000 0

    6116 99 000 0

    6216 00 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    72.Personal protective equipment for legs of firefighter

    6401 10 000 0

    6401 10 000 0

    6401 92 100 0

    6401 99 000 0

    6402 99 050 0

    6402 99 100 0

    6402 99 930 0

    6403 40 000 0

    6403 91 130 0

    6403 91 930 0

    6403 99 330 0

    6403 99 930

    EAC certificate of conformity

    73.Personal protective equipment for the head (fire helmets)

    6506 10

    EAC certificate of conformity

    XIV. Средства спасения людей при пожаре с высотных уровней

    74.Manually operated ladder

    7326 90 300 0

    7616 99 900 8

    EAC certificate of conformity

    75.Fire rescue cord

    5607 50

    5609 00 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    76.Fire service belt

    4203 30 000 0

    6307 20 000 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    77.Firefighting snap hooks

    7326 90 920 1

    7326 90 920 9

    7326 90 940

    7326 90 980 3

    7326 90 980 7

    7616 99

    EAC declaration of conformity

    78.Fire emergency escape ladder

    6307 90 100 0

    6307 90 980 0

    7326 90 300 0

    7616 99 900 8

    EAC certificate of conformity

    79.Jumping fire rescue devices

    4016 95 000 0

    6306 12 000 0

    6306 19 000 0

    6306 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    80.Escape chutes

    6307 90 100 0

    6307 90 980 0

    EAC declaration of conformity

    81.Fire rescue descernders

    5607 50

    5609 00 000 0

    8425 19 000 9

    8428 90 900 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    82.Hang-on fire rescue ladder

    7326 90 300 0

    7616 99 900 8

    EAC declaration of conformity

    XV. Special fire tool

    XV. Инструмент для проведения специальных работ на пожарах

    83.Special fire-fighting tool

    4016 95 000 0

    8201 40 000 0

    8201 60 000 0

    8201 90 000 9

    8205 59

    8205 90

    8425 19 000 9

    8425 39 000

    8425 42 000 0

    8425 49 00 0

    8467 11

    8467 19 000 0

    8467 21

    8467 22

    8467 29

    8467 89 000 0

    8467 92 000 0

    8467 99 000

    EAC declaration of conformity

    XVI. Extra equipment for firefighters

    84.Fire lanterns, thermal imagers, radio beacons, aural beacons

    8513 10 000 0

    8525 80

    8526 91

    8531 10

    8531 80

    EAC declaration of conformity

    85.Fire hose coupling

    7307 11

    7307 19

    7307 29

    7307 99

    7609 00 000 0

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    86.Fire valves

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 710 0

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    87.Fire hydrant

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 710 0

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    88.Foam inductors

    7307 11

    7307 19 900 0

    7307 22 900 0

    7307 29 100 8

    7307 29 800 9

    7307 92 900 0

    7307 99

    7609 00 000 0

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    8481 80 110 0

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    89.Сollecting heads


    7307 19 900 0

    7307 29 100 8

    7307 29 800 9

    7307 99

    7326 19 900 9

    7326 20 000 2

    7326 20 000 9

    7326 90 920 9

    7326 90 940 9

    7326 90 980 7

    7609 00 000 0

    7616 99 100 8

    7616 99 900 8

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity


    7307 11

    7307 19 900 0

    7307 29

    7307 99 800 9

    7609 00 000 0

    7616 99 900 8

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 390 0

    8481 80 599 0

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 690 0

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC declaration of conformity

    91.Fire eductors

    8413 82 009 9

    EAC declaration of conformity

    92.Fire suction screen

    7307 11

    7307 19 900 0

    7307 29

    7307 99 800 9

    7609 00 000 0

    7326 19 900 9

    7326 20 000 2

    7326 20 000 9

    7326 90 920 9

    7326 90 940 9

    7326 90 980 7

    7609 00 000 0

    7616 91 000 0

    7616 99 100 8

    7616 99 900 8

    7307 99 800 9

    7609 00 000 О

    7326 19 900 9

    7326 20 000 2

    7326 20 000 9

    7326 90 920 9

    7326 90 940 9

    7326 90 980 7

    7609 00 000 О

    7616 91 000 0

    7616 99 100 8

    7616 99 900 8

    EAC declaration of conformity

    93.Fire delivery hoses

    5909 00

    certificate of conformity

    94.Equipment for maintenance of fire delivery hoses

    8479 89 970 8

    EAC declaration of conformity

    95.Нand control branch pipe

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49

    8424 90 000 0

    8424 20 000 0 8424 41 900 0 8424 49 8424 90 000 08424 41 900 0

    8424 49

    8424 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    96.Fire hydraulic guns

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 41 900 0

    8424 49

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    97.Foam generators

    7307 11

    7307 19 900 0

    7307 22 900 0

    7307 29 100 8

    7307 29 800 9

    7307 92 900 0

    7307 99 100 0

    7307 99 800 9

    7609 00 000 0

    8424 20 000 0

    8424 89 000 9

    8424 90 000 0

    8481 80 110 0

    8481 80 190 0

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC certificate of conformity

    XVIII. Filling openings of exposure protection

    98.Fire-prevention windows, doors, doors of elevator shafts with standardized fire resistance limit, gates, hatches, curtains, shutters, screens, curtains

    4418 10

    4418 20

    7019 59 000 0

    7308 30 000 0

    7308 90 590 0

    7610 10 000 0

    7610 90 900 0

    8431 31 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    99.Nodes of crossing fire barriers with cable products, busbars, hermetic cable glands, couplings and pipelines of engineering systems of buildings and structures

    6806 90 000 0

    6815 10

    8484 10 000 9

    EAC certificate of conformity

    100.Fire-suppression smoke and gas tight doors, smoke-tight doors

    4418 10

    4418 20

    7019 59 000 0

    7308 30 000 0

    7308 90 590 0

    7610 10 000 0

    7610 90 900 0

    8431 31 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    XIX. Technical means functioning as part of

    smoke ventilation systems

    101.Fire safety valves normally open, fire safety valves normally closed, smoke dampers

    8481 80 639 0

    8481 80 739 9

    8481 80 790 0

    8481 80 850 8

    8481 80 990 7

    EAC certificate of conformity

    102.Antismoke screens (drapes, curtains)

    7019 59 000 0

    7019 90 000 0

    EAC certificate of conformity

    103.Exhaust system of ventilation

    8414 59

    EAC certificate of conformity

    104.Air duct

    7305 31 000 0

    7305 39 000 0

    7305 90 000 0

    7306 30 720 9

    7306 30 770 8

    7306 30 800 0

    7306 40 200 9

    7306 40 800 8

    7306 50 800 9

    7308 90 980 9

    EAC certificate of conformity




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